Please compare and contrast six different approaches/theories of leadership. (1) Create a hypothetical (professional business) scenario,

Please compare and contrast six different approaches/theories of leadership. (1) Create a hypothetical (professional business) scenario,

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  1. (18 Points)Please compare and contrast six different approaches/theories of leadership.
    (1) Create a hypothetical (professional business) scenario, and explain situations where it
    is acceptable and/or preferred to use one approach over another AND (2) the best
    motivation technique/theories to use with each one of these approaches, and explain why.
  2. (6 Points)What is the difference between personal and position power? In a short essay,
    provide examples of a leader with personal power and another one with position power.
  3. (8 points) Imagine you are a leader in a Fortune 500 company, explain how you would
    explain ‘motivation’ to your mid-level managers and provide them with three hypothetical
    example of what it looks like when managing others. Make sure you use motivation
    theories or/and applications to create these examples.
  4. (10 Points)While explaining the SMART Goal method, write down a goal to accomplish
    in the next 6 months in the correct format.
  5. (14 Points) How would you manage for motivation using the Regulatory Focus
    Theory vs. the Maslow Hierarchy of Needs?
  6. (9 Points) Some employees have sent emails to you explaining their concerns that some
    people in the organization are moving up the ladder because of their political skills and
    not because of merits. Using Organizational Justice Framework, and other OB terms
    related to fairness and trust, draft a plan to build trust with your team and show that you
    are a fair leader.

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