Perceived failures of post-war Keynesian fiscal policy led to an extensive reinterpretation of the Great Depression as a monetary phenomenon,

Perceived failures of post-war Keynesian fiscal policy led to an extensive reinterpretation of the Great Depression as a monetary phenomenon,

I need a critical review on chapter 2 and 3 on The Holy Grail of Macroeconomics: Lessons from Japan’s Great Recession by Richard Koo      

 Pick one of two   

 Q1: Perceived failures of post-war Keynesian fiscal policy led to an extensive reinterpretation of the Great Depression as a monetary phenomenon, starting with Friedman and Schwartz (1963). What is Koo’s more nuanced criticism of post-war Keynesian fiscal policy? And how does the “current academic consensus” about the Depression factor into Koo’s criticism of the academic consensus on Japan’s lost decades? or Q2: What is the crux of Koo’s argument that the Great Depression was also a balance sheet recession? Relatedly, how is Koo critical of the Romer and Temin “consensus view” regarding U.S. recovery? Do you find Koo’s argument convincing?

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