Parenting and Family

Parenting and Family

Micro theme 3: Instructions

Microtheme #3: Parenting and Work/Family

Overview & Directions

Microtheme #1 is 4 pages of text, plus cover page, and reference page. (So six total.)

As you answer the 16 questions, you get to choose any 6 concepts (bold-faced terms)and integrate them into your response.

You will cite the author of the concept, as opposed to the author of the textbook.

For example, you might reference “Liking Love”–one of Sternberg’s eight possibilities in his Triangular Theory of Love. Therefore, the concept is “Liking Love.” The author is Sternberg.

The 6 concepts you choose will come from chapters 8-10. Each chapter has numerous concepts–often 20 or more.

You have flexibility in how many questions you answer per page. However, one way to think of it is this: answer about 4 questions per page (4 x 4 = 16). If a normal page has 3 paragraphs, on average, you can manageably answer 1-2 questions/per paragraph, or 3-6 per page. Of course, your first page of text has an introduction, and last page of text has a conclusion. Therefore, those two pages have a bit less space for answering questions. So it is totally fine, for example, to answer 3 questions in each of those (totaling 6) and then answer 5 in each of the other two pages (totaling 10). Thus you can still answer all 16 manageably. This is just a ballpark. You have latitude.

For APA guidelines, please see: to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Writing may be in the first-person. However, it should be formal; not casual. It should read like an essay instead of a journal.

Refrain from contractions and grammatical errors. Reading your paper out loud helps.

You do not need to type the questions; instead bold each question #so I can track them.

Please boldeach concept or theory, so I can track them.


Covers Chapters 8-10

*Choose any 16 of 25 questions below to answer.

**Include (and bold) 6 concepts like Micro 2.

Do you plan to become a parent? Why/why not?

What do you currently think your plans are as to the timing (when you start) having children, how many you might have, and how you plan to space them apart (# of years)? Why/why not?

If you had difficult conceiving a child, would you try any assistive reproductive technologies (ARP’s), given their expenses? Why/why not?

If so, what forms of ARP’s would you consider? (Some, none, all?) Why/why not?

Whether you choose to try to conceive or not, would you adopt? Why/why not?

Whether you choose to try to conceive or not, would you ever consider becoming a foster parent? Why/why not?

If you desire a boy or a girl, but your first (and second, third, etc) were all the opposite sex of what you wanted, would you keep trying until you had the boy or girl that you wanted? How many children would you have (to keep trying for the sex of a child you wanted) before you stopped (e.g., 3, 5, more)? Why/why not? Or is this not even an issue for you?

What do you most and least look forward to about pregnancy? Why/why not?

What do you most and least look forward to about parenting? Why/why not?

Will you stay home, or not, or just for a while (e.g., 6 weeks)? Why/why not?

Would your spouse stay home instead of or with you? Why/why not?

What type of delivery do you plan (hospital, home-birth?) Why/why not?

Will you take a labor/delivery class (e.g., Lamaze) Why/why not?

Will you take a parenting class? Why/why not?

If you have a birth plan, what will you include? Why/why not?

If you have a son will you circumcise him? Why/why not?

When your baby is born, will you have a nursery, a bassinet (in your bedroom, next to the bed), or have your infant sleep in the bed with you? Why/why not?

Do you/how long do you plan to breastfeed? Why/why not?

What will your co-parenting look like with you/your spouse (who does what). Why/why not?

After your newborn arrives, what will the division of labor (housework) look like for you and your spouse? Why/why not?

After graduation, will part of your decision of where to live be based on your parents (e.g., so they can help when you have a child, and/or to give your parents eldercare)? Why/why not?

What work/life issues to you foresee for you and/or your future spouse? Why/why not?

Will you and your spouse be dual earners at some point or always or never? Why/why not?

If you both believe one person should stay home and one work outside the home, who would it be—you or your spouse? Why/why not? What if you make more than your spouse, would your spouse still stay home with your child(ren)? Why/why not? What if your spouse were unemployed for a period of time (6 months, 1 year) would you want them to stay home while you worked outside the home, and while they searched for a job, if need be?

Based on the above questions, which do you think you need to talk about with a future spouse during pre-marital education (for this question, you can simply list #’s — e.g., 1, 7, 8, 14).

Chapter 8 powerpoint

chapter 10 powerpoint (1)

chapter 9 powerpoint

Solution preview for the order on parenting and family

Parenting and Family


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