Our week discussion board will focus on generating ideas for possible topics for your proposal essay, selecting a topic and sketching

Our week discussion board will focus on generating ideas for possible topics for your proposal essay, selecting a topic and sketching

Our week discussion board will focus on generating ideas for possible topics for your proposal essay, selecting a topic and sketching some initial brainstorming on significant causes and effects of the problem, as well as potential solutions for . for this discussion board as several steps:

Step One Engage in some listing as a prewriting activity to come up with potential topics for your proposal essay. You will be listing ideas in 4 categories. World Problems (global) National Problems (US) Local Problems (i.e. Midwest, Chicago area, your town/cite, COD campus…) Personal Problems NOTE: I want want to see you brainstorm a few potential topics in each category Aim for 10-15 minutes here Step 2 Next choose one of the topics you generated above and write for another 15-20 minutes exploring that topic:

Why is this a problem? When did I first notice this was a problem? What is the worst part about it? What are some possible causes ? What are some of the more significant effects? What moment, situation, or scene is most typical of this problem? Describe it as if you are experiencing it by writing in the present tense. How does this problem make me feel? What people do I associate with it? Step 3 Now, write for about 15-20 minutes exploring possible solutions. Start with the following sentence: I think one of the ways to deal with ______________ is ________________ because___________. Keep writing about this by exploring how this solution can be implemented, what challenges might occur, etc. When your writing stalls on this issue, use the following prompt: Another possible solution to _______________ might be_____________ because_________ and repeat the process as many times as you need to.

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