Early Childhood Leadership Students-Assignment 2: Dissemination: A Way of Thinking

Early Childhood Leadership Students-Assignment 2: Dissemination: A Way of Thinking

Early Childhood Leadership Students-Assignment 2: Dissemination: A Way of Thinking.  Refer to Table 8.1 on page 113 of our textbook, Organizational Learning by V. Collinson and T. Fedoruk Cook. (150 points). Write a two-three-page summary addressing the following areas as listed below. You may choose up to three to comment on.  Use 12 pt. font, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, and include a title and reference page but do not count those pages in your total.  Include at least one quote from our textbook authors in your work and be sure to use APA style for this citation.

1.        As a leader it is important to move from a way of thinking where individual efforts predominate to a work culture where teamwork is valued.  Discuss this in your current workplace and reflect upon your observations for your current workplace and changes you would make if you were a leader within the organization in this regard.

2.       As a leader it is important to move from a way of thinking where low levels of individual sharing are part of the workplace to a workplace where sharing is multidirectional and widespread.

3.       As a leader it is important to move from a way of thinking where sharing is viewed as giving away your competitive edge to a workplace where sharing raises the learning level of all members.

4.       As a leader it is important to move from a way of thinking where ideas are viewed with suspicion to a workplace where ideas are sought and critically tested.

5.       As a leader it is important to move from a way of thinking where there is little interaction by team members to a workplace culture where high levels of interaction are fostered.

BOOK;;Collinson, C., & Cook, F. T. (2007). Organizational learning: Improving learning, teaching, and leading in school systems. Thousand Oaks, CA:  SAGE Publications.

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