Imagine that you and your classmates work for a law firm that was almost destroyed by office politics.

Imagine that you and your classmates work for a law firm that was almost destroyed by office politics.

Office Politics

Imagine that you and your classmates work for a law firm that was almost destroyed by office politics. Disputes over office procedures, about cases, and about personal matters ended up with people choosing sides, and engaging in personal attacks and name calling. Several people were fired. Others were retained because of their skills, even though they have difficulty with human relations.

Other employees are skilled in human relations. They can build teamwork, once they persuade the others to resolve disputes in better ways.

You and your classmates will role play in this discussion as staff people in the firm. Discuss ways to lessen the negative office politics. Work on ways to cope with competition and disputes in the office. Using the text portions about human relations and ethics, what do you recommend? Role play as an expert on coping with office politics. Then, role play as a person needing advice about coping with office politics and resolving disputes. Please post at least three times, to give yourself a chance to play both roles and get replies


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Organizations and workplaces are political by nature since people bring their emotions, leadership styles, and personalities among other things to the office. Imperatively, surviving the office and workplace environment politics requires strategies that are not only effective but also proven by human resource management experts…………………..


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