Why Getting rid of the U.S. nuclear arsenal all together is Not feasible in current political environment?

Why Getting rid of the U.S. nuclear arsenal all together is Not feasible in current political environment?

WMD production should not be increasing or proliferating even within our own nation. By committing to decreasing overall WMD production specifically Nuclear Weapons, the US is sending the world a message that we are not in support of MAD wars in our global future. The nuclear program is by far the largest of our WMD capabilities and limiting it while remaining cognizant of the global deterrence policy would keep the US protected by smart WMD policy while recognizing that increasing larger nuclear weapons just increases the chance of their use however incrementally.

Your role in the assignment to:

Analyze the following points about the US nuclear program:

1-Why Getting rid of the U.S. nuclear arsenal all together is Not feasible in current political environment?

2-Why is it not practical to continue to beef up the arsenal hoping the larger weapons will keep the deterrence policy effective and will Keeping the status quo while other nations are changing the global nuclear dynamic. Explain?

3-Limit the arsenal to smaller but just as effective weapons: atomic bombs will Maintain our deterrence policy with the world in a more feasible, less expensive, less out date way.Explain? (This is the preferred option)

Important note:

Each point in 1 page

Don’t talk outside the points (For example: introduction, history, background,..etc, should not be there)

Write direct about points

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Why Getting rid of the U.S. nuclear arsenal all together is Not feasible in current political environment?


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