What social networks have you found to be helpful outside of your family
“Supporting Your Juggling Act” Please respond to the following:
Please listen to or read this NPR story, “Moms Head Back-To-School To Pursue College Dreams”, and then respond to the following questions:
In the NPR interviews, most of the women pointed out the need for support from family and friends when going back to school. What kinds of support from family and friends have been most helpful to you in your own experience of going to school?
In what ways do you need more support from family and friends? What tips do you have for asking for help?
What social networks have you found to be helpful outside of your family and personal friends (classmates, mentors, work colleagues, etc.)?
Solution preview
Heading back to school is a good idea for women so that they can be in a position to accomplish their goals despite the fact that they might have families. However, it calls for unwavering focus on the part of the mother as well as the help that can be obtained from the various individuals in her life………………..
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