Specify the source information (title, author, newspaper or news magazine, date of publication)

Specify the source information (title, author, newspaper or news magazine, date of publication) for your news article and summarize the content of the article;

Source: https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/…

1)Specify the source information (title, author, newspaper or news magazine, date of publication) for your news article and summarize the content of the article;

2) Specify at least two fields of psychology that your article content falls into and explain why it relates to these fields. In your explanation, be sure to describe the nature of your two selected fields in general and use specific content from the new article.

3) Explain in detail how your news event connects to at least THREE distinct course concepts, theories, or research findings (you must use your textbook for these connections). Be sure that you make your connections to specific—rather than more general—course concepts. For example, conditioning is a general concept, operant conditioning is more specific, and negative reinforcement is even more specific. The more specific you make your course concept connections, the better. Also be sure to provide the page number from the text for the course concepts you use in your paper.

4) Explain why the topic you selected is interesting to you and important in general.

*Please include the text book in the writing and include page numbers.

*Text book pages are provided below

Paper should be written in APA


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