Define the term pseudonymity and explain its practice among Hellenistic-Jewish

Define the term pseudonymity and explain its practice among Hellenistic-Jewish

New Testament

1.Define the term pseudonymity and explain its practice among Hellenistic-Jewish and early Christian writers.

2.In what specific ways concerning Jesus’ return does II Thessalonians differ from Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians? Why do some scholars think that it was written after Paul’s death?

3.Summarize the arguments for and against Paul’s authorship of Colossians

4.What is the relationship that Paul seems to think best describes the union between the Church and Christ in the book of Ephesians? What are the implications for Christians in this union?

5.Why do scholars think that the pastoral letters were written by a later churchman? Why do these letters emphasize tradition so much and spend so much time combating heresy.

6.Hebrews chapter 11 is often called the “Hall of Faith”. Who are some of the more recognizable figures in this chapter and how do they exhibit faith?

7.What first century heresy might the book of I John be a response to? What language/images does the author use to indicate that he is opposing this heresy?

8.Define the term apocalypse as a literary genre, and explain how the Book of Revelation unveils realities of the unseen spirit world and previews future events.

9.Identify and explain some of the myths of cosmic conflict that John incorporates into his vision of the universal struggle between good and evil.


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Pseudonymity refers to a form of authorship where new scripts are created in the name of some deceased person who is widely known and respected (Brown, 2015). Pseudonymity was common among the Hellenistic Judaists. In early Christian writing, it was used to communicate thoughts and ideas, assumedly of the deceased person…………………..

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