Write an essay about an event in your life that will engage readers

Write an essay about an event in your life that will engage readers

EWRT 1A – Connecting to Hunger Games – Paper #3 150 points

Skills: Narration and Description – Your Life and the Novel


To Lean to Write a Clear and Cohesive Paper

To Learn Narrative writing

To Learn to integrate quotations MLA style

To Learn MLA Documentation Style

The writing assignment: using the hunger games as your starting point, write an essay about an event in your life that will engage readers and that will, at the same time, help them understand the significance of the event. Tell your story dramatically and vividly in 3-5 pages.
Format: mla style (for help, see “mla formatting” on the website). Please give your paper an original title; don’t underline or put quotation marks around your own title.
Content: please see sample essays in chapter 2, temporal transitions (32-3), connections to personal and social issues (36-7), and all the suggestions on pages 42-61 for help.

You may choose your own structure that fits your story. However, here are some suggestions:

Choose a fairly long quotation (four typed lines or more) from The Hunger Games that reminds you of a situation or experience you once faced.

In your introductory paragraph, first summarize what is happening in the novel at that point, and then explain the context for that quotation.

Then write a transition paragraph, making a connection between the quotation and the event in your life. Your thesis sentence will be the sentence in which you clearly make that connection.

Then write about that event in your life, giving sensory details, dialogue, and background material. You may continue to refer to Hunger Games by quoting or giving examples from it, if you like, but this is not required. The main idea is to think in depth about an event in your life — to sort out the meaning of that event. What happened to your soul at that point? Or did you only understand the true meaning of the event later? Remember to tell a story.

The neatest conclusion is to connect the meaning of your event to your quotation in the last paragraph. This will tie your essay into a neat package. If that is too difficult, then do at least try to move to the present day, and articulate how you NOW feel about that event.


Use present tense when describing the events in a novel or film or story: “Rue is dying” or “Haymitch is drinking heavily.”

Your thesis for this paper will be the transition sentence: “Katniss’s mother’s complete breakdown reminds me of what happened to my aunt.” Or “Katniss distrusts Peeta even though most of his actions should make her trust him – I can relate.”

Use chronological order to tell your story.

Use past tense to describe the event(s) in your life: I found water.


Your MLA formatted header and heading

Your original title

Your introduction to the novel

Your integrated quotation, formatted in MLA style

Your transition to your own event (your thesis).

A vivid description of a person or people

A vivid description of a place

A dialogue that adds to the narrative in a significant way.

The climax of the story

A section that shows or tells the significance of the event

Your conclusion (Framing or some other method of closing).

Any other section that you would like me to notice or comment on.

To attach a comment to a highlight, you start by making a highlight in a file.

Scroll to the part of the file where you want to make your highlight. Click in the margin (or on the text you want to highlight), and drag the cursor to expand the comment box.

Click on the A in the comment box on the left side to type in your comment or question.

Click “Post to Highlight”

Make sure to use just one color (whichever you prefer), so I can comment in a different color.

You can also leave voice comments, but please use the written comment feature to identify the sections of your essay. You may leave me a voice comment if you have other comments or questions.

Format Requirement: MLA-style formatting and citations

Length: Your finished text should be between three and five pages, excluding the Works Cited page.

Research Requirements: Works Cited Page

A Works Cited page names all of the sources that were used in an essay or research paper; it credits the source or sources for the information you present, evaluate, analyze, and synthesize to support your thesis. A Works Cited page also serves as a reference to the sources that were used so that a reader or writer can quickly refer to the original text. The Works Cited page for this research project must contain at least one entry: The Hunger Games.

Expected Student Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate outlining and brainstorming abilities

Demonstrate an awareness of the time needed to plan, search, and write an essay

Demonstrate an awareness of sentence structures

Demonstrate an understanding of multiple rhetorical strategies: Narration, Description, Exemplification, Explanation, and Persuasive Reasoning.

Learn to integrate quotations effectively and correctly

Previously Learned Skills Required to Complete this Assignment

The ability to summarize sources

The ability to write grammatically correct, clear sentences.

The ability to write a clear and concise thesis.

The ability to brainstorm material for an essay.

The ability to organize an essay

Best Practices

Write a thesis that helps readers understand the main point of the essay.

Avoid telling the reader that something is “interesting,” or “exciting”; instead create images or use examples that show it.

Come to my office if you are unsure, confused, or behind.

Traps to Avoid:

Failing to tell an interesting story.

Failing to sufficiently connect your story to an incident in the novel.

Seeking to present the subject from memory or hearsay.

Citing Wikipedia as a source for your research paper.

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Write an essay about an event in your life that will engage readers


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