Museum and Exhibit name, Location and date and link to the website information. Name of the creator/artist, title, date subject, medium

Chapter 5 reviews how art can be discussed and evaluated. One way we can view artwork is to visit a museum online.
McNay Museum of art has a link for you to search art in their permanent collection locally in San Antonio (Links to an external site.)

Here is a link to the Google Art Project. This will give you access to art in other museums or galleries all over the world.

Use the 3 steps for Evaluating Art with Words found in the chapter 5 PowerPoint to write about and discuss the artwork you chose. Slides 27-29 give tips on “Evaluating art with words”. The Three basic theories used to discuss art are Formal, Contextual and Expressive.

Your discussion must be based on one of the three following theories. You choose if you want to discuss the artwork formally, contextually or expressively. Do not address them using all three theories.

To start your discussion answer the following questions;

Questions 1-3 should be at least 2 paragraphs (75-100 words or so)

1. Museum and Exhibit name, Location and date and link to the website information. I will be visiting the site to confirm information. (Makes sure that you are not copying and pasting work from others. Avoid plagiarism at all times. You must write from your own thoughts and ideas. If you are explaining someone else’s comments or ideas about the art you must cite that information)

2. Name of the creator/artist, title, date subject, medium, size and location of work.

3. Describe the work using as many facts as you can see. What formal elements did the artist use? (see chapter 3 and 4)

Questions 4-5 should start the next section. Based on when the artwork was created, you can see what theory best fits your second half of the discussion. (75-100 words or so)

4. What movement or time period does the artwork fit into?

5. Use one of the three types of art criticism discussed (Formal, Contextual or Expressive) to assess the quality or historical importance of the artwork. You must state which one of the theories you are using.

Answer preview for Museum and Exhibit name, Location and date and link to the website information. Name of the creator/artist, title, date subject, medium


550 Words