A compare and contrast about two documentary movies

A compare and contrast about two documentary movies

Subject   Film studies Topic   Study of two Documentary Movies

Paper details

I want to do a compare and contrast about two documentary movies. The first one is Paris Isurni Bng by Jennie Livingston and the second one is Times of Harvey Milk by Rob Epstein. These two movies are about gay so I wish you could see the assignment and find the individual conflict in this movie, also point out the common of two movies. I did not really think about the title of this paper, so please help me find a good one.

————–Here is the Prompt and assignment———–
For this paper we will take a look at the individual in conflict with culture. The points of contact include sex and gender, race, class, counterculture, and mental illness. You may find other connections as well as these. The 1960s represents one group of films, and it’s not a stretch to argue that for a connection with the queer documentaries we viewed, since The Times of Harvey Milk picks up where Gimme Shelter leaves off, with a culture of violence and intolerance.

Writing Assignment
Choose two films and examine the issue of conformity. What are the specific values under attack and how do the films show the individual in conflict with these values? Trace a common thread through both films. As you write the paper, consider how your interpretation of the films together helps us understand the films separately. In other words, your thesis should go to the heart of the directors’ intention.

Be sure to include three sources from either the course reserves or your own research. Write at least 5 pages, plus a Works Cited page. Please keep your draft under 6 pages. Use MLA style.

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A compare and contrast about two documentary movies


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