A critical analysis of the film (What if anything was omitted from the film? Are there areas of the film that you disagree with?

A critical analysis of the film (What if anything was omitted from the film? Are there areas of the film that you disagree with?

Assignment Description

All students are required draft a 1,000 word review/analysis of either Policing the Police (recommended, Module 5) or Street Fight (recommended, Module 4). Which film you choose to review is up to you. Both films are linked below.

Your write-up should at minimum address the following:

A brief description of the film (What is the point of the movie? Does the director have a perspective? Do you agree with this viewpoint? Etc.)

A critical analysis of the film (What if anything was omitted from the film? Are there areas of the film that you disagree with? Etc. Explain.)

A detailed discussion of how the content of the movie relates to the course material

Anything else you think is worth noting

Solution preview for the order on A critical analysis of the film (What if anything was omitted from the film? Are there areas of the film that you disagree with?

A critical analysis of the film (What if anything was omitted from the film? Are there areas of the film that you disagree with?


1226 words

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