Miami Police Department Institutional Affiliations

Miami Police Department Institutional Affiliations

Website Diversity Audit: Miami Police Department Institutional Affiliations

6-8 page APA format paper on Website Diversity Audit: Miami Police Department Institutional Affiliations

The Course Project should be 6-8 pages in length.  Your 4 relevant scholarly/peer reviewed sources may include your textbook and books and articles obtained through the DeVry library. Credible articles from news, government (.gov), or academic (.edu) websites can also be used; acceptable examples include NPR, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Business Week. Do not use Wikipedia and similar encyclopedia websites, such as or “cheat” websites like coursehero or chegg. Please review the detailed instructions for each phase of the project, which you can find in the Assignment tab for that week. Your project will be graded as follows.


Content               80


Addresses project guidelines and primary and secondary  dimensions of diversity, integrating concrete examples and strategies, and uses information from sources to support points.

Documentation & Formatting     60


Submission is in correct APA format, including  a numbered Title page with running head, a body of text that uses an introduction, a conclusion, headings and subheadings, and a reference page that is double spaced, alphabetized, uses hanging indents and includes four relevant scholarly/peer reviewed sources




Organization & Cohesiveness     40


Cohesive and well organized, with a clear introduction and a conclusion that summarizes the paper’s key points.

Editing  20


Uses proper word choice,grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Total      200

100         A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.


The following are best practices in preparing this project.


Include a numbered Title page with running head in APA format. For information on APA formatting, please see the APA reference materials located in your Syllabus.

Include an introductory paragraph that introduces the company web page you are auditing and previews the main topics your paper will cover.

Include a concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and the benefits of a diversity audit.

Use headers and sub-headers to organize your paper and divide into sections as appropriate.

Include a Reference page in APA format that is double spaced, alphabetized, uses hanging indents and includes at least four relevant scholarly/peer reviewed sources

Check to be sure you’ve covered the project guidelines and all primary and secondary diversity areas.

2 Attachments

Proposal (5) Outline-web (1)

Solution Preview

It is usually essential to evaluate the degrees at which diversity and its advantages are exhibited in an organization’s website. It is crucial in conveying the notion of lack of discrimination as well as portrayal to possible clients, customers and applicants for………………..


1946 Words



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