Discussion 5A: Contradictory messages

Discussion 5A: Contradictory messages

Discussion 5A: Contradictory messages?

Use Attached ARTICLES- Taking the Offensive Against Offensive Toys and Unlearning the Myths that Blind us

As educators we tell children to be nice, not condone violence and share, however the Rethinking Popular Culture book provides multiple (disturbing) examples of instances where subtext about greed, superiority/inferiority, violence or stereotyping abounds in children’s popular culture. In addition the PFLAG link – https://pflag.org/publication/toptenwaystomakescho…educates us about bullying and cyber-bullying.

Choose 2 chapters from this weeks readings that illustrate this (please make sure that no more than 2 of your colleagues have referenced the chapter you choose). Please use quotes (with page numbers) to explain your points and ground your discussions in details.

1) According to the authors, what message/s (e.g. “might is right”, “sexism is natural” etc) are embedded in children’s film, toys, textbooks or literature?

2) Why does this matter to you? (What connections do you make from these readings – to your life, as an educator or student?)

Discussion 5B: Public art and other resources 

Begin by watching the video about graffiti below, think about the role of schools in connecting/disconnecting public art and educationHouston’s Graffiti: A Positive or Negative Influence? (Links to an external site.)

After you have watched the video, below are two links, one is to the Jacksonville Cultural Council’s art in public places in Jacksonville, the other to Jacksonville’s regional artistic history.

1. Murals. Click and explore all of these links before you begin.

a. Here are a few pretty stunning murals in Jacksonville https://chic-booth.com/jax-murals (Links to an external site.)undefinedhttps://blackmuralmap.com/mural-map-jax (Links to an external site.)

2. Artistic History

https://www.culturalcouncil.org/regional-history.html (Links to an external site.)

When you have read, and explored ALL of the links, answer the following questions:

1) How much did you know and what did you learn about Jacksonville’s artistic history and murals from clicking on these websites?

2) What does this have to do with education?

Connections to the texts are a plus.

Requirements: 3 pages

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Discussion 5A: Contradictory messages


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