Memorandum insurance coverage analysis  

Memorandum insurance coverage analysis

Memorandum insurance coverage analysis

Prepare a memorandum of no less than three pages and no more than five pages to “file” addressing the following:

A summary of the relevant facts for purposes of coverage determination.

A discussion of all insurable losses sustained regardless of whether the loss is covered by the policy

A determination of whether each loss is covered by the policy including an application of the relevant facts to the relevant policy provisions that justify the determination (don’t forget to consider exclusions and conditions)

A determination of whether there is a duty to defend under the policy including an application of the relevant facts to the relevant policy provisions that justify the determination (don’t forget to consider exclusions and conditions)


Solution preview

Reference is hereby made to the new claims case filed by Jane Cartwright. Autoking Insurance Company is a reputable firm that provides insurance cover to vehicles and their owners in case an accident has occurred. With regards to the claim filed by Jane Cartwright, important facts and information on key issues…………………………….


988 words


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