Mention the work of Gerbner and McRobbie
Please write a 5 paragraph essay (APA style – double spaced) summarizing this chapter. Please also include your own critical thoughts. What was the key topic of discussion in the chapter? Be sure to mention the work of Gerbner and McRobbie. Include Gerbner’s definition of media content. Describe the study in detail include the coding descriptions and results. Utilize a particular example from your own personal experience. What does this tell you about the media/culture connection? Please answer all of the aforementioned questions in your essay. Please add in two quotes from the author. You do need to reference the chapter and text and particular page numbers you may refer to for direct quotes. You do not need to reference other sources unless you wish to do so. If so, please cite the source in the text and in the reference section at the end of the paper. Please also include in-text citations from the chapter and reference the article.
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