Demonstrate ability to use various electronic social media for career and organizational benefit

Demonstrate ability to use various electronic social media for career and organizational benefit

Advanced Essential Business Concepts

Week 4 Written Assignment

Learning Reflection 4: You have been learning about the essential business concepts this term. From your required Textbook 1: Anybody’s Business you have been introduced to concepts of:

Management/ Leadership/ Marketing

Choose 1 of these three topics. In library research 4 current (2010 or later) academic scholarly peer-reviewed articles to learn more. Reflect on your learning in a 5-7 page APA paper. Remember no quotes. Paraphrase and cite. Do not use first person pronouns. Write your paper in Microsoft Word and upload your Word document by clicking on the link above.


Purpose, audience, effective organizational strategies

Clarity, readability, tone, accuracy

Microsoft Word

Email, memos, letters, reports

Various electronic social media

Upon successful completion of this week, you will be able to:

Demonstrate purpose, audience, effective organizational strategies in the written word

Demonstrate clarity, readability, tone, accuracy in the written word

Demonstrate ability to expert use of Microsoft Word

Demonstrate ability to write professional emails, memos, letters, reports

Demonstrate ability to use various electronic social media for career and organizational benefit

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Demonstrate ability to use various electronic social media for career and organizational benefit


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