Summary of the current policy surrounding your family issue

Summary of the current policy surrounding your family issue

Topic: Maternity Leave

Policy Implications (3 pages, 15 points): This section will begin with a summary of the current policy surrounding your family issue. You will then need to state why the current policy is or is not appropriate for the needs of the family as justified with both the information you have written in the aforementioned portions of the paper and information from peer-reviewed articles. This section should be at least 3 pages long and will be due to Canvas.


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Despite the fact that some states within the U.S and other developed countries have instituted paid maternity leave for mothers, the U.S is yet to mandate a national paid maternity leave for mothers. When the Family and Medical Leave Act (FLMA) of 1993 was signed into law in 1993, it guaranteed maternity leave…………………………


910 words


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