Key steps in developing/implementing strategies of CRM

Key steps in developing/implementing strategies of CRM

This assignment is from the books chapter 3 reading.

1. Please find the Key steps in developing/implementing strategies of CRM. I have to make a powerpoint slides so please answer the question in a format where I can place it on powerpoint slides.

2. Read the mini case on page 104 also and answer question 2. ( Based on the current marketing strategy, should the company’s promotion mix focus be on personal selling or on advertising?).

Click this link to access the book,+should+the+company%E2%80%99s+promotion+mix+focus+be+on+personal+selling+or+on+advertising?&source=bl&ots=BI2Kbv0AhP&sig=j2x-BfwfdVGhHUvuSZjYON4tzcU&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjd6M2E1obZAhUBbxQKHQPpCV8Q6AEIRjAF#v=onepage&q=Based%20on%20the%20current%20marketing%20strategy%2C%20should%20the%20company%E2%80%99s%20promotion%20mix%20focus%20be%20on%20personal%20selling%20or%20on%20advertising%3F&f=false


Solution preview

Designing an effective CRM strategy should be done in light of the fact that the strategy is a plus to the achievement of the firm’s goals. Improving the relationship between the firm and customers is important to establishing customer loyalty and a new way of getting more customers (Kumar, 2010)………………….


594 words


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