Company Overview for China and Body Shop Cosmetics

Company Overview for China and Body Shop Cosmetics

SWOT and Company Overview for China and Body Shop Cosmetics

Prompt: In Milestone Two, you will analyze in detail the selected international market and the competitor’s product/service brand. In detail, you will develop a country SWOT that is applicable for marketing strategies. You will also contrast and compare your selected product/service brand to similar/identical ones already existing in the selected international market. Please use specific examples.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

II. Country SWOT for marketing strategies China

Assess the political system in your selected country for whether it favors a new product or not.

Analyze the rules and regulations governing marketing in your specific market. For example, are there any regulations regarding the time when certain products can be advertised? Are there certain media on which your product cannot be advertised?

Analyze the law and regulations governing the specific product you are launching in the market. Are there any restrictions? Are there any regulations that could prevent the launch? For example, medical equipment and products face particular restrictions.

III. Branding:Analyze competitors’ brands for how they have adapted their product to your specific market.

a. Analyze the competitors’ brand changes in your specific market in the categories below:

i. Logos
ii. Marketing campaigns

Analyze the competitors’ brand products and whether the product had to be customized to fit your specific international market. Explain the rationale behind the brand product strategy

Analyze the competitors’ brand positioning in terms of price in your specific international market. Explain the rationale behind the brand positioning strategy

Analyze the competitors’ brand in terms of placement in your specific international market. Explain the rationale behind the placement strategy.



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Company Overview for China and Body Shop Cosmetics

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