Develop two (2) Long Term Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals

Develop two (2) Long Term Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals

Develop two (2) Long Term Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals. (5-10 year goal range) 2. Develop two (2) Intermediate Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals. (3 – 5 year goals range) 3. Dev

1. Develop two (2) Long Term Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals. (5-10 year goal range)

2. Develop two (2) Intermediate Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals. (3 – 5 year goals range)

3. Develop two (2) Short Term Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals. (6 months – 2 years)

4. Develop two (2) Immediate Goals for yourself and your plans for accomplishing these goals.

Follow the rules of goal development (must be measurable, etc.). Submit your goals to me in a typed WORD document that follows proper sentence structure. I monitor for spelling and grammar errors. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, save it and submit as either a PDF or a RTF file.

Solution preview

I want to be an entrepreneur and become my own boss. Formal jobs have corporate restrictions and routine work that could be boring and non-satisfactory. However, I realize that being an entrepreneur demands commitment, hard work and perseverance, therefore, it is necessary to set goals to provide direction……………………..


666 words


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