Discuss how this article builds upon the current state of knowledge.

Discuss how this article builds upon the current state of knowledge.

Article Review and Portfolio

You should find ten (10) peer-reviewed academic or professional articles focused directly or indirectly on Community Development as you defined it. Your articles should afford you insight into leadership roles, initiatives, and organizational actions that reflect how organizations operate in a global environment or how organizations operate as they respond to the effects of globalization. And your work must clearly reflect central globalization issues.

Organize your 10 article reviews around the following sections:

1.Prepare an APA formatted bibliographic entry for your article and put it at the top of each individual review.

2.Discuss the article’s primary purpose, goal, or statement of problem.Explain your selection of this article by discussing how it relates to your MPrS( Master of Professional Studies) statement of purpose and/or professional goals.

3.Discuss, based on the literature review presented by the article’s author, what is currently known about the article’s primary purpose, goal, or statement of problem.

4.Discuss how this article builds upon the current state of knowledge.

5. Discuss how you might use the knowledge developed or substantiated from this article.

No less than 8 pages. (No include Title Page and Reference page)

Solution preview

This article is a critical examination of World Café (WC) and Appreciative Inquiry (AI) which constitute the popular participatory research and policy initiative techniques in community development programs. The author acknowledges that both methods are instrumental in policy-making within a community…………………


2787 words


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