Compose a letter to your Federal or State Senator or representative

Compose a letter to your Federal or State Senator or representative

Compose a letter to your Federal or State Senator or representative.  Your letter should address Early Childhood Policy, your expertise, what you would like them to consider regarding Early Childhood Policy, and why you want them to make this consideration.  Your letter needs to be written as a formal letter.  You will receive 2 points extra credit for submitting the letter to your legislator and submitting a received response. (You can just upload the proof to this assignment post at a later date and notify me and I will add the points to your assignment grade.)

I suggest you contact your early childhood organizations (i.e. NAEYC, Early Childhood Coalitions, etc) to determine upcoming legislative issues and the concerns of these organizations.  They should be able to help you with explaining their position  regarding the upcoming policy and any items needing more attention.  You then can use that information to determine your advocacy points within your letter.

Make sure you are petitioning to the right level.  Is your concern a Federal responsibility, state, or local?

Google examples of letter to legislators as a start.

BOOK;Dayton, J. (2018). School law for everyone: The essential guide; with practical skills and practice tips.

Solution preview for the order on compose a letter to your Federal or State Senator or representativeCompose a letter to your Federal or State Senator or representative


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