Best learning/development initiative

Best learning/development initiative

Learning Activity

Conduct a needs analysis, based on last week’s plan, to determine if the issue you have identified could be successfully addressed with a training or non-training intervention (such as job aids, reward/recognition, or reorganization of a process). Analyze your data and make some preliminary recommendations: What do you believe the best learning/development initiative(s) might be? What barriers do you foresee in securing approval for your recommendation and in its implementation? Submit the results of your analysis and your recommendation to your facilitator by Day 7. Remember, the analysis and recommendation will become part of your final project. The paper will be 3 pages in length.

On occasion, you will find that the true problem is not related to learning/development but instead is attributable to something such as compensation, poorly formulated job requirements, economic conditions or other management-related issues.. In that case, you would recommend against a learning/development initiative and you would have to find another subject for your final project. Please work with your instructor if you have any questions regarding the appropriateness of your topic.


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Best learning/development initiative


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