Leadership Reflections-For all students

Leadership Reflections-For all students

Leadership Reflections-For all students

Choose a question from the list below and compose a two to three page reflection on the topic, double-spacing, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman font, and do not include your title and citations page, if you have one, in your overall total.  You may go over the page limit without penalty.  Then comment on another classmate’s post.

How do you include all stakeholders in decisions as a leader in your organization?

Why it is important to include all voices of an organization in decision -making and what steps are needed to make this possible?

What are key components of leadership in creating a team-based culture?

How is culture of an organization impacted by the decision-making processes?

What is key to successful communication for leaders in organizations?

How do leaders involve parents in communication

avenues for shared understanding?

Why is it important for leaders to pay attention to communication within the organizations they lead?

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Leadership Reflections-For all students


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