How would the incorporation of state preventive and counter-terrorism efforts

How would the incorporation of state preventive and counter-terrorism efforts

Readings, Media & Resources

Readings, Media & Resources

Chapter 2 (pp. 17-34). In Paul Staniland. 2014. Networks of Rebellion: Explaining Insurgent Cohesion and Collapse. Cornell University Press.


1.Discussion Board (26%): You will be required to post one answer, and one comment in the discussion board each week. a.I will post at least one discussion question related to the topic and relevant readings at the beginning of each week. The discussion questions will usually be broad to allow the responses from a wide spectrum. You are required to post your answer to the professor’s discussion question(s). You are required to post one answer with minimum 260 words long.You are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 110 words long•To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings and information from other pertaining resources, and they expand the idea presented and contribute to the discussion.

2.Weekly Question( 13 %): You are required to submit at least one question from the weekly readings assigned•The question whether it is factual or fictitious, should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.•

A question such as “Has there been more research conducted on [the weekly topic]” is not an acceptable one.•The purpose of the “weekly question” the assignment is to promote your critical thinking, but not to receive an answer. Please do not expect a reply to your every question. •Your “weekly questions” must be substantially different from the question I posted on the Discussion Board.2-



Stainland (2014) identifies the social bases for political rebellion. He argues that prior organizations, as well as horizontal and vertical networks, are crucial conditioning variables in formation of the rebellion. But those variables do not speak for themselves. To Stainland (2014), adequate leadership is essential to overcome the challenges and to construct a “socially appropriate” organization that brings about successful rebellion.


Do you think that Stainland’s model/theory is complete? How would the incorporation of state preventive and counter-terrorism efforts, and the “roots” (i.e. poverty, ethnic heterogeneity, political repression, etc.) improve Stainland’s model/theory about the construction of a rebellion organization?

2-Weekly Question

Post a question relevant to the readings. The question of whether it is factual or fictitious should provoke thought and criticism relevant to the weekly class readings.

3-write a comment

You are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 100 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings.

Student#1 is for part 3- write a comment. write a response for this student discussion. Your comment will be at least 110 words long

Requirements:   |   .doc file | MLA | Discussion | 1 pages, Double spaced

3-write a comment

You are required to write a comment to at least one of your classmates’ p•Your comment should be thoughtful and should go beyond simple “I agree” posts. Your comment will be at least 110 words long. •To secure credit, your responses and comments should be thoughtful; that is, they must refer to the weekly readings.

Student#1 is for part 3- write a comment. write a response for this student discussion. Your comment will be at least 110 words long


Student 1While Staniland’s model rightfully emphasizes the role of social bases in facilitating revolutionary outcomes within a society, it still presents an incomplete portrait of this phenomenon given the manifold precipitating variables to individual involvement which go largely unaddressed. Staniland defines social bases as “structures of collective action and social interaction in a society” (Staniland, 2014). As these social bases do not necessarily have to be militarized (i.e. French Communist Party, Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, etc.) or even hold anti-government leanings, Staniland makes a point that “the social bases most likely to underpin rebellion are independent from state patronage and have political beliefs that are compatible with opposing the government” (Staniland, 2014). These bases operate by connecting individuals across local networks through a combination of horizontal and vertical ties. Generally speaking, horizontal ties refer to intra-group communications whereas vertical ties refer to “relations of information, trust, and belief that link organizers to local communities” (Staniland, 2014). Both are essential to the maintenance of any insurgency and serve to engender a interconnected network of individuals who fill a diverse set of roles within the revolutionary framework. For example, nonviolent activists, despite their self-imposed limitations, are essential to the start of any successful rebellion in that “they have autonomy from state power through social linkages that the government cannot easily penetrate or co-opt” (Staniland, 2014). While Staniland does a commendable job of identifying the interrelationships of these social building blocks which collectively construct rebellion, he neglects to mention the individual psychosocial factors which lead an individual to participation in the first place. Analyzing the effects of poverty, marginalization, religion/ideology, etc. upon individuals in relation to social bases might produce a more complete understanding of this phenomenon

Solution preview for the order on how would the incorporation of state preventive and counter-terrorism effortsHow would the incorporation of state preventive and counter-terrorism efforts


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