Sources to be cited:

Paper format:

Paper instructions:
Employee Relations Country Profile
Paper Instruction
In this paper, you will write about WALMART company; Headquarters: in The United State of America.
1) Start by summarizing the key points: provide brief information about the WALMART company. It is important to specify the organization name (Walmart) and industry.
2) Required: Then talk about how you would apply what you learned about that country (Untied State of America) from the perspective of LEADER in the organization (WALMART) based in that country (United states of America).
Note: Please, see the attached file (Chapter 49 – 70) to get more information about Employment relations in the United State of America.
3) Required: Provide a depth of analysis through what you discover in the scholarly literature and textbook see the attached file (…..) regarding specific concepts in leadership studies.

• Please, read the paper instruction carefully.
• Follow the instruction to complete the Paper.
• Don’t use direct quotes in the paper.
• attached the textbook file you should use in the paper. You should use at least other 4 credible articles, scholarly references and research to best develop the paper as needed.
• Importance: Please, use only scholarly articles the was written in the year (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020).
• Don’t use the first-person pronouns in the paper. You can use the researcher/ the writer.
• Please use Using APA section headings.
• Your ideas should be connected with each other between each sections.
• In the paper you should use (APA 7th)format.
• 5 pages double spaced
• At least four scholarly references + the attached file (Chapter 49 – 70)

Book Reference
Chapter 49 – 70
Bamber, G., Lansbury, R., Wailes, N. & Wright, C. (2015). International and Comparative Employment Relations: National regulation, global changes. 6th Edition.

Rubric for the Paper

Paper Format
• Abstract (one paragraph)
• Introduction (one paragraph)
• Body of the paper (you should use APA section headings)
• Conclusion (one paragraph)

• Reference

1) Start by summarizing the key points
2) Then talk about how you would apply what you learned about that country from the perspective of Human Resource Manager in an organization based in that country.
3) provide a depth of analysis through what you discover in the scholarly literature and textbook regarding specific concepts in Human Resource studies.
4) Remember to specify the organization name and industry.
• Your paper needs to be APA (7th) style
• Using APA section headings
• 5 pages double spaced
• At least 5 scholarly references

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