Punishable Social Media Posts by the Students
Individual Project
select one of the topics below, you must alter the title for your paper. Do not use the exact title as provided in this list.
Examples of Alternative Dispute Resolution in Business
Workplace Dispute Resolution in ________ and ________ (Select Countries)
A Comparison of Alternative Dispute Resolution in the United States and Two Other Countries
Ethical and Legal Issues of Plagiarism
Medical Marijuana, the Commerce Clause and Employers
Free Speech: The Evolution of Bullying Laws
When Can Schools Punish Students for Social Media Posts?
Defamation: A Distinction Between Libel and Slander
Free Speech: A Look at Unprotected Speech
An Exploration of Bribery Cases and U.S. Companies
Recent Developments in Cyber Crime
Current Cases in Corporate Crime
Provide a short introduction to the topic. Provide some background about the topic selected and why it was selected. Include definitions as necessary. Use more than one paragraph, if needed.
Literature Review
Conduct an abbreviated literature review related to the topic you selected. A literature review identifies information that is already known about a research topic. Although you will not conduct an actual research study in this class, a summary of scholarly information that has been written about your topic makes up an important component of your project.
locate two scholarly articles related to your topic. Summarize the articles in your own words and explain how they are related to your topic. Do not use published cases for this section. You must use scholarly articles from the Online Library. Legal journals may provide some of the best sources of information. Westlaw Campus Research is a good option for finding legal information in law journals.
Laws and Regulations
Research and analyze one law or regulation related to the topic you selected. The information may require research of federal and/or state laws, as well as administrative agency laws. Summarize the information about the law or regulation you found and explain how it applies to your topic.
This week you will find one published case (lawsuit) that is related to the topic you selected. Summarize the case in your own words and explain how it is related to your topic. Provide a summary that includes the name of the case, state or federal court, issue, summary of events and ruling. Explain whether you agree or disagree with the court’s decision.
Westlaw Campus Research is a great resource for finding specific state and federal cases. The following sources may also be helpful. You must read the case and not a summary of the case from a blog or other article.
FindLaw – Caselaw.findlaw.com Justia – http://law.justia.com/cases/
Public Library of Law – http://www.plol.org/Pages/
Open Jurist – http://openjurist.org
Formatting Instructions
Write a 4 page paper about the topic.
Use APA format for the paper, including cover page and separate reference page. Review the APA materials located in the Library Research Guide.
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