Business Law and Regulations

Business Law and Regulations

Environmental Regulations | The U.S. Small Business Administration | Retrieved October 19, 2012, from

  1. Laws & Regulations.(n.d.). S. EPA. Retrieved October 19, 2012, from
  2. TerraChoice Environmental Marketing Inc.(n.d.). The “Six Sins of GreenwashingTM” A Study of Environmental  Claims in North American Consumer Markets. The Six Sins of Greenwashing. Retrieved October 19, 2012, from

Recommended Resources

Text Please read the following chapters in: Business Law for Managers:

Chapter 16: Creditors and Debtors
b. Chapter 17: Secured (Article 9) Transactions
c. Chapter 18: Bankruptcy
d. Chapter 12: Introduction to U.C.C. Article 3: Commercial Paper
e. Chapter 13: Transfer and Negotiation of Commercial Paper and Rights of Holders
f. Chapter 15: Banks, the Banking Process, and Electronic Transfers
g. Chapter 19: Real and Personal Property
h. Chapter 20: Intellectual Property


  1. Criminal Press Releases – 2012(n.d.). Criminal Enforcement. Retrieved October 19, 2012,


To participate in the following discussions, go to this week’s Discussionlink in the left navigation.

  1. Claims to Environmental-friendliness

After reading “The Six Sins of Greenwashing”: A Study of Environmental Claims in North American Markets, discuss the tension between business’s interests in maximizing profits and the public’s interest in receiving complete, truthful, and non-misleading information about products that they purchase. From a business perspective, what are the dangers of “greenwashing”? If you were a marketing executive, would you have a policy against “greenwashing”? Why or why not?
Guided Response: 
Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings in a substantive manner. 
Agree or disagree with your classmate’s position concerning having a policy against “greenwashing.” Defend your position by using information from the week’s readings or the readings related to governmental regulation.
  2. Environmental Statutes

Visit Business Law and Regulations. Environmental Regulations and one environmental law that is relevant to your past, current, or future employer. Apply that law to a business situation created by that employer. How does (or did) that employer maintain compliance with that statute?  Do you believe that environmental regulations help or hinder business? Why or why not? 
Guided Response: 
Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ postings in a substantive manner. 
Agree or disagree with your classmate’s position concerning whether environmental regulations help or hinder business. Use current events or your assigned readings to support your position.

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Business Law and Regulations


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