Find the following 3 DMH contracted agency job postings for MFT associates comment on your findings.

Find the following 3 DMH contracted agency job postings for MFT associates comment on your findings.

For this discussion, answer the questions that are bolded. There is no minimum word requirement.

Go to the Department of Mental Health (DMH) LA county website and explore the site in depth. ( are your main thoughts on DMH services? Would you work with them?

Find the following 3 DMH contracted agency job postings for MFT associates comment on your findings.

(The Village Family Services –…,),

(The Help Group –…),

(EVYFC – ID –…)

Using this job posting for an MFT associate (… ), compare it to the other 3 job postings.

In addition to your original discussion post, please respond to two peers (will send peer posts later on).

Requirements: 2 paragraphs max   |   .doc file

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Find the following 3 DMH contracted agency job postings for MFT associates comment on your findings.


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