Introduce yourself to the audience and identify the goal of your presentation. Your goal should be centered around how the 10 Skills and a Philosophy

Introduce yourself to the audience and identify the goal of your presentation. Your goal should be centered around how the 10 Skills and a Philosophy

I have included my philosophy of change in pdf format & I have included Strayer’s writing Standard for a guide.

Select your presentation format:

 a slideshow with recorded narration (using PowerPoint)

 Note: Students in a face-to-face classroom have the option of creating a PowerPoint presentation and narrating it live in class.

 a podcast (using your phone or the free, open source Audacity app)


Create your introduction. Introduce yourself to the audience and identify the goal of your presentation. Your goal should be centered around how the 10 Skills and a Philosophy of Change have helped you—and can help others—exercise their problem-solving skill.


Provide an overview of each of the 10 Skills that you will discuss. Note: You may choose to talk about all 10 Skills OR choose a few key skills to focus on. Remember, your audience will likely be unfamiliar with the 10 Skills and your Philosophy of Change. Your grade is based on how well you communicate the connection between this information in a way your audience will understand.

This segment should be 3–5 minutes total and should answer these questions:

 What are the 10 Skills and why are they important in your personal and professional life? (Note: You do not need to list and define each skill, but can speak of them broadly.)

 What is a Philosophy of Change and why is it important? How can it help you think about and solve problems in your life?


Discuss your experience with the 10 Skills and your personal Philosophy of Change. This segment should be 5–7 minutes total. You can discuss any or all of these options:

 how all or some of the 10 Skills have informed your Philosophy of Change

 how all or some of the 10 Skills can support you living out your personal Philosophy of Change

 how your Personal Philosophy of Change can support your continued development of all or some of the 10 Skills


Just as you would in an essay, you must cite sources throughout your work when you borrow someone else’s words or ideas. You will also need to cite the source for any images you use. According to SWS style, sources may be cited either on a slide-by-slide basis (providing a source list entry at the bottom of a slide where a source is referenced) or in a comprehensive source list at the end of the slideshow.

SWS also has specific guidelines for creating PowerPoint slides. If you opt to do a PowerPoint, we’ll review these guidelines later in the chapter. For more details on SWS, please review the SWS guidelines or go to the Strayer Library’s SWS webpage.


Begin your slideshow with a slide that functions as a title page. Include the assignment title, your name, course title, your professor’s name, and the date of submission on the first slide of the presentation.

 Use a background color or image on slides.

 Use Calibri, Lucida Console, Helvetica, Future, Myriad Pro, or Gill Sans font style.

 Use 28–32-point font size for the body of your slides (based on your chosen font style). Avoid font sizes below 24-point.

 Use 36–44-point font size for the titles of your slides (based on chosen font style). Limit slide content (seven or fewer lines per slide and seven or fewer words per line).

 Number slides when the assignment requires three or more slides. Place numbers wherever you like (but be consistent).

 Include appropriate images that connect directly to the slide content or presentation content.


Remember that critical thinking refers to habits of mind that expand your ability to understand and come to your own conclusions about a topic, and that habits are shortcuts to decision making. You can build strong habits by applying all 10 Skills to the task:

 Agility enables you to respond to a changing world. You can look ahead and anticipate changing situations with an open mind.

 Communication encourages you to think about the best way to connect with your audience and convey information clearly and effectively.

 Initiative helps you take proactive action to improve your circumstances or create new ones.

 Innovation gives you the tools to think creatively to generate original ideas and strategies.

 Problem solving helps you generate solutions to meet challenges and accomplish goals.

 Productivity enables you to organize and plan so that you use your time efficiently.

 Relationship building means developing a trusted network to support you.

 A results driven approach keeps your focus on the end result, so you can face challenges with resilience and achieve your goals.

 Self and social awareness help you make decisions based on personal and social values.

 Technology lets you gather information and select the right tools for the job.

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