Interview members of your family the more senior the better and see if you can determine how your own family history fits into the historic

Interview members of your family the more senior the better and see if you can determine how your own family history fits into the historic

A Linguistic Ethnography of Your Family.

Interview members of your family the more senior the better and see if you can determine how your own family history fits into the historic patterns of language and immigration that we’ve been reviewing in class. Choose an ancestor in your own family tree — if possible, an ancestor who immigrated to the U.S. — and write a historical, ethnographic narrative that’s informed by the topics we have discussed in class:

  • Determine the approximate date of your ancestor’s first arrival in the U.S. and try to learn about his or her age and family situation on arrival. • Determine what Language Family your ancestor represents, and the specific language within that linguistic family. What orthography do speakers of that language traditionally use, and what religion do its speakers traditionally follow? Does your ancestor follow that model?
  • If possible determine how much English your ancestor and his or her family spoke when they arrived in the United States.

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