Formal process of intervention
DQ#2: Describe the formal process of intervention. What are the benefits and risks of utilizing this approach? Are there situations where it would not be indicated?
The formal intervention process begins my making a plan for the intervention, someone close to the individual will come up with the plan for the group, who should be in the group and what each individual in the group’s role will be. A trained professional should be consulted as it can get intense, and emotions can get running high. The family should have an idea of how bad the problem is and what treatment options are available for the client. The team will decide on what date and time, individuals who do not have specific roles will be support for the individual and team and keep the focus on the individual treatment. The team should have consequences decided if the individual doesn’t attend treatment. Team members can make notes on what to say so that they can keep it the focus on the individual, substance use and treatment. Once the individual has entered treatment, it is important that someone follow ups and helps the client continue recovery (Staff, 2017).
Staff, T. M. (2017, July 20). Intervention: Help a loved one overcome addiction. Retrieved from The Mayo Clinic:
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