Information Technology (IT) Governance is a process to implement IT activities and streamlining the accountability and responsibility

Information Technology (IT) Governance is a process to implement IT activities and streamlining the accountability and responsibility


Discussion 6


IT Governance and  Network Security

Information Technology (IT) Governance is a process to implement IT activities and streamlining the accountability and responsibility. IT governance also used to maintain IT abilities to give a reliable product to end-users and business owners. IT governance provides a strategy to implement business requirements. IT governance strategy/ framework helps to get a good outcome for the business. This outline also considers stakeholders’ and employees’ opinions to build the process.

IT Governance has a relationship with governance, risk and compliance (GRC). There are many advantages of IT governance implementation in an organization. Financial answerability will be increased with this framework. Confidential and personal data will be stored securely. Handling and implementing disaster recovery methods in IT governance will be helpful for an organization. Many organizations follow IT management to implement trending IT rules.

Private and Public sector organizations implement IT governance to provision their business objectives and productivity. Implementing IT governance is time-consuming and included with efforts. Small companies may not follow all IT governance standards, like big organizations.

ISO provides detailed information and standards to implement network security. Secured communication needs to be implanted between gateways. It also provides guidelines to implement secure connection between firewalls, applications and more. It also analyses network, security threats, and following security controls, designing, implementing these controls. It also provides strategies to implement gateway connections.


Gregory, R. W., Kaganer, E., Henfridsson, O., & Ruch, T. J. (2018). It Consumerization and the Transformation of It Governance. MIS Quarterly, 42(4), 1225–1253.

3 hours ago

Hi Professor,

Peer 2 response needed.

Monica Singh

Discussion 6 (Week 11): IT Governance


IT is considered a vital department and it is obvious that it has a part in the growth and progress of the company. This makes it necessary to find what this department is giving in return for the share it is getting from investments of the company. Thus, this creates the need for a strong Information Technology Governance which can guide the management about the performance and measures necessary to be taken concerning the IT department and information held by the organization. The responsibility of organizations has been increased due to the high significance of data, which has created the need to take extra care of security, maintenance, and control which can handle data loss in happening of an incident. Thus, this made organizations realize the need for IT governance (Korac‐Kakabadse & Kakabadse, 2001).

The incidents of identity theft, intrusion attacks, and security breach are increasing, and for this reason, organizations started thinking of a system that can provide enterprise vise security, and it must also satisfy some business conditions. The purpose of this idea was to make the enterprise free from security problems every time. This security system should be designed in such an innovative way that it should satisfy all the security requirements along with having a simple and general structure. No doubt the ISOs affect the network security, in such a way that they give direction about the structure and arrangement of the security system model. This security system model can separate threats from the critical and sensitive data, says the ISO 27033-1. The next ISO identifies the considerations necessary for a stronger and efficient security system. The considerations mentioned in this ISO, that is, 27033-2 applies to all the individuals associated with the construction and development of this security system’s components. The control processes for reducing the data threats are identified in ISO 27033-3.


Korac‐Kakabadse, N., & Kakabadse, A. (2001). IS/IT governance: Need for an integrated model. Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society.

3 hours ago

Please send the responses for those 2 posts as soon as possible.



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Information Technology (IT) Governance is a process to implement IT activities and streamlining the accountability and responsibility


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