Ethics in information management

Ethics in information management

Part 1

This article identifies the need for ethics in information management given the rapid expansion of information technology. In it, you will explore the role that higher education can play in preparing students to apply ethics to the usage of information and information systems. You will step through a research investigation conducted by the authors where students of an online Ethics and Technology course developed a code of ethics specifically for information technology.

Review this paper, then in your ePortfolio summarize what should be in the code of ethics for information technology. Describe the code of ethics for information technology in your company. What should it be if it does not exist in your company? Share your summary and your company’s code of ethics in Discussions.

The Development of a Code of Ethics

Brooks, R. (2010). The development of a code of ethics: An online classroom approach to making connections between ethical foundations and the challenges presented by information technology. American Journal of Business Education, 3(10), 1–13.

Part 2

This paper explores the role of ethics in the IS field. In particular, the authors emphasize the practical potential of the discourse theory of ethics. Review this paper, then in your ePortfolio summarize the role of ethics and its importance in the field of information system. Share your summary in Discussions.

Toward Ethical Information Systems: The Contribution of Discourse Ethics

Mingers, J., & Walsham, G. (2010). Toward ethical information systems: The contribution of discourse ethics. MIS Quarterly, 34(4), 833–854. Retrieved from the Walden University Library databases.

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Ethics in information management


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