Individually write a 5-7 page essay using your research to propose a solution to a social issue, local concern, political stance, community

Individually write a 5-7 page essay using your research to propose a solution to a social issue, local concern, political stance, community

  1. Individually write a 5-7 page essay using your research to offer a solution to a social issue, local concern, political stance, community institution, people in your community—or some topic of your own devising. Make an effort to be creative and original in your approach. BUT I WANT YOU TO WRITE THE PAPER ABOUT “ETHNIC MINORITIES FACING RACISM”
  2. Give your paper a title. The title should convey the central idea of your essay.
  3. The paper should be double-spaced.
  4. The font Times New Roman should be 12-point.
  5. The margins should be approximately 1 inch on all sides.
  6. Accurately formatted works cited page following MLA documentation guidelines.

Assignment Details:

Research Paper:

Individually write a 5-7 page essay using your research to propose a solution to a social issue, local concern, political stance, community institution, people in your community—or some topic of your own devising. Make an effort to be creative and original in your approach.

Key Features for Essay:

1. An introduction that gives the needed background information about the topic and appeals to your audience.

2. A thesis statement that takes a clear position on the significant, relevant issues you identified.

3. Clear reasons and sufficient evidence to support the claim in your thesis. This evidence can come from personal experience, your oral history, the articles you researched, and/or library/internet research. It is best to have a mix of different types of evidence.

4. At least two library sources (most likely from Proquest or EBSCO, but possibly alternative sources such as online archives, or documentary films or interviews).

5. At least one peer-reviewed scholarly article.

6. Appropriate organization and paragraphing, including the use of clear topic sentences. The paragraphs should be in a logical order and use of transitions to show links between ideas.

7. A conclusion that provides closure to the essay and considers the implications of the event’s or person’s impact of the future.

8. Consistent, correct use of MLA style (check heading, margins, title, line spacing, page numbering, Works Cited Page and parenthetical note(s).

9. Observance of the conventions of standard written English

Proposal Essay Outline

I. Introduction: Generate reader interest and concern; provide relevant background information (history, special concerns, specific problems that need to be addressed or which have plagued the community for a long time and which your proposal addresses; provide a brief overview of your entire proposal; state thesis (what you are proposing and why)

II. Provide background information about the problem you seek to solve and specifically identify those whom the problem impacts and whom the solution will benefit: Describe who lives in the community (residents, business owners, tourists, employees, government officials, police, customers, homeless people) and how they are affected by the problem

III. Define in detail the problem that your project addresses using cause-effect reasoning: Provide the relevant background information of the problem that your project seeks to solve. Focusing on the problems that it has—especially those that your project will seek to solve. As much as possible use cause-effect reasoning (explain the causes that lead to the problem you are trying to solve, and show the effects of the problem).

IV. Describe your solution: Describe in as much detail as necessary what you are proposing, explaining how it will address the causes (above) and change the effects (above). Be specific and detailed. Your reader should be able to visualize your solution.

V. Explain the benefits of your proposal: Show how your proposal will meet the standards and concerns of those affected—identified in section II (above)—and solve the problem described in section III, and why it is the best plan. Argue convincingly in favor of your proposal. Again, use cause-effect reasoning: what will the effect of your solution be?

VI. Acknowledge drawbacks, costs, or other objections to your proposal and refute them: Explain to those who might disagree with your proposal why your project/ solution will be effective and respond to potential objections. Acknowledge the potential objections by all/any of those affected by the project (such as residents, business owners, employees, tourists, government officials, police, homeless people) might have—or the problem that your project addresses. Who lives in the area and what might their concerns or objections be? Respond to them here.

VII. The counterargument to alternative solutions: Identify two or more likely solutions that your readers might prefer—solutions different from your own—and explain why you rejected them in favor of your own proposal.

VIII. Conclusion: Describe an implementation plan, or issue a call to action urging your readers to support your project. Re-emphasize the importance of solving the problem. You can also acknowledge that while your proposal may not solve the problem 100%, it still can reduce the impact of the problem, and therefore be beneficial.

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