Question to Debate:  Is Incarceration Worth the Cost

Question to Debate:  Is Incarceration Worth the Cost

Question to Debate:  Is Incarceration Worth the Cost?

Paper instructions:
The questions to consider are whether the changes in laws resulting in an increase in the number of inmates, construction of new prisons, renovation of existing facilities, and spending tens of billions of dollars to house prisoners are good public policy.Whether our nation can withstand another decade of a policy to try to build our way out of prison crowding is a question that must be addressed in a thoughtful and pragmatic manner by corrections and elected officials.

The dramatic differences in the incarceration rates among various states require the review of perhaps the most important policy issue regarding corrections in the United States:Does the increase in the use of incarceration reduce the risk to citizens of being victimized and, if so, is that reduction of risk worth the additional cost of such incarceration?This is an important issue for students of corrections to confront.Look at the states with the highest incarceration rates (Louisiana, Oklahoma, Alabama, Mississippi).Compare these states with those having the lowest incarceration rates (Minnesota, Maine, North Dakota, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire).Do trends in crime rates provide any parallels to increases in rates of incarceration?

You should examine many factors and then come to your own conclusion as to whether the increased use of incarceration is worth the cost.Factors that should be considered include the trends in crime rates (particularly violent crime), the cost of building and operating new prisons, the available alternatives to incarceration, the mission and goals of corrections, and the effectiveness of both imprisonment and community correctional programs. You should weigh the cost of incarceration against the impact it has on crime while considering the need for these tight funds for other uses. Unfortunately, this policy deliberation does not occur in the public policy debate among legislative bodies or most elected officials.It is a critical public dilemma that deserves a thorough debate.

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Question to Debate:  Is Incarceration Worth the Cost


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