In using sources, be sure to adequately introduce and describe the discourse you’re entering: What are people saying about your topic? What

In using sources, be sure to adequately introduce and describe the discourse you’re entering: What are people saying about your topic? What

Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.

Continue to revise your essay. MLA Format, Citations within Text, MLA Works Cited(five sources)

…which you enter a discourse (an ongoing conversation) on a topic and make an argument. To research effectively, you’ll need to do the following:

  • Narrow your topic sufficiently to make the research manageable.
  • Research your topic thoroughly. Find appropriate sources through library or online research (see the section Finding Sources) or conduct your own primary research (see the section Performing Your Own Primary Research).
  • Evaluate your sources to determine if they are credible, relevant, and appropriate to your argument. (See the section Evaluating Sources.)
  • Take good, thorough notes that you can organize later to form the outline of your paper.
  • Be sure to mark which ideas are your sources’ and which are yours during this process (see the section Taking Notes).

When writing your essay, build your argument according to the strategies discussed in Chapter 6.

In using sources, be sure to adequately introduce and describe the discourse you’re entering: What are people saying about your topic? What “sides” or approaches are there, and who takes them? How will you contribute to the conversation? Support your argument with evidence from your research, making sure to summarize, paraphrase, and quote effectively and ethically, citing your source in the appropriate format (see the section Documentation). Address counterpositions and counterarguments you find in your sources to show you are aware of the various strains in the discourse, but be sure to return to and support your own argument and claims to persuade your audience of your thesis.

Five pages plus a Works Cited with Five Sources

Comments on the last essay:

Instructor Comment

Look at my comments from your last essay and revise this essay. Importantly, thesis statement. Create a strong and focused thesis statement. In an argumentative essay you should create a thesis that anyone can reasonably argue with. I want calls to action – solutions, not just explanations. What are you arguing for? Read your work aloud. Read for typos, Capitalization errors, sentences awkward, word choices, comma splices, sentence fragments…

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