In this unit, you learned about the history of slavery in the United States and how the concept of “race” was used to legitimize the

In this unit, you learned about the history of slavery in the United States and how the concept of “race” was used to legitimize the

Why is race a social construct?

In this unit, you learned about the history of slavery in the United States and how the concept of “race” was used to legitimize the widespread practice. You also had the opportunity to review the award-winning 1619 Project in this unit. You can use The 1619 Project in the “research” section of your applied paper.

Guiding Prompt: What was most surprising and new to you in this unit’s readings? Why was it surprising? And what role does your chosen example play today (in 2020)?

Applied papers: As participants in this course, you are expected to actively contribute seven original, applied papers – you can pick the seven (7) units that you would want to submit a paper for. In these applied papers, you are asked to respond to the provided prompt, using the readings and films, and to add some of your own research. Each paper should be about 2 pages long, double-spaced (about 500 words) and address the provided prompt in the following manner:

  1. Introduction. What is this unit’s topic about? Respond to the prompt by identifying specific sections in the readings and films that speak to the topic.
  2. Research. Identify an artifact or example that highlights the topic in concurrent society. For example, find an article or artifact from at least two places: An American news source, a piece of art (music, written, paint, etc.), an international news source (in English language), or something else relevant that may provide an example or argument that relates to the topic. Some news sources are provided in the course shell in the left-hand menu. However, you may find a different item that would help underscore the issue or your argument.
  3. Conclusion. Here, you tie the readings, film, and your found article/item together. What is your take-away in response to the prompt? What are you making of this issue after having done some research?
  4. Discussion questions: Provide three (3) discussion questions that you would like your classmates to respond to.

Always cite your sources and provide references at the end of your paper

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