In the Myth of the Cave, Plato has Socrates depict the human condition in allegory form (pp 162 – 165 in the textbook). After listening to Socrates

In the Myth of the Cave, Plato has Socrates depict the human condition in allegory form (pp 162 – 165 in the textbook). After listening to Socrates

This paper should be two to three pages in length. (Times New Roman, double space,12pt)

In the Myth of the Cave, Plato has Socrates depict the human condition in allegory form (pp 162 – 165 in the textbook). After listening to Socrates, Glaucon says, “This is a strange picture you’re painting, with strange prisoners.” Socrates responds, “They’re no different from us.” Write a story – either real or invented – in which the message of this story is portrayed. Show me the major message of Plato’s allegory in a story of your own.

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