In addition to the video game center bays, you want to offer more entertainment options… but what should you offer?

In addition to the video game center bays, you want to offer more entertainment options… but what should you offer?

Marketing Mix – Team Activity
Video Game Center

SCENARIO: You and your team are developing a video game center in our town.
The main feature will be state-of-the-art climate-controlled video game bays.

YOUR TASK: In addition to the video game center bays, you want to offer more
entertainment options… but what should you offer?

Step 1:Describe your TARGET MARKET (age, gender, AND income)
Step 2: Select 2+ additional entertainment options (PRODUCT)
Step 3: State where will you put the facility and why (PLACE)
Must be in the same town as your school
Step 4: Select pricing for at least three activities and at least one deal (PRICE)
Step 5: Describe how you will advertise your new business (PROMOTION)

NOTE: All work should completely match your chosen target market.

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