In a well organized paragraph or two, please share your thoughts regarding “hookup” culture, including its impacts on gender roles, sexuality,

In a well organized paragraph or two, please share your thoughts regarding “hookup” culture, including its impacts on gender roles, sexuality,

The article you read by Hamilton & Armstrong on “hookup” culture suggested engagement with this culture was related, in part, to class differences in expectations of what college was really about, as well as gendered expectations surrounding committed romantic relationships. Lisa Wade’s research, which we heard about via an audio news story, suggests certain groups are privileged in “hookup” culture, while others are left out. She also stated that “hookup culture is rape culture,” which relates to ideas of “toxic” masculinity presented in the film Tough Guise 2 that we viewed last week.

In a well organized paragraph or two, please share your thoughts regarding “hookup” culture, including its impacts on gender roles, sexuality, and relationships, and its relationship to the culture of masculinity.

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