Choose one of the lesson plans from your Unit Plan and implement it with a small group of students

Choose one of the lesson plans from your Unit Plan and implement it with a small group of students

Choose one of the lesson plans from your Unit Plan (Assignment #3) and implement (i.e., teach) it with a small group of students or the whole class (a decision to be made with the cooperating teacher) at the site of your field experience (Assignment #1).

Give your cooperating teacher a copy of the lesson plan and the grading rubric (see Appendix G) before you start your implementation. They will be evaluating your lesson plan and your implementation.

Include a copy of the lesson plan and the completed, signed (in ink) grading rubric with this paper.

Implementation Summary

Summarize what occurred during the implementation of the lesson (instruction, independent or group activities, assessment results, etc.). Did some or all of the students meet the lesson objective(s)? Did you have to make any changes to the original lesson plan?

NOTE: If you are unable to implement the lesson plan with students in person, consult your instructor for an alternative approach to this assignment.

Reflection on Lesson Implementation

Reflect on the implementation and prepare a narrative about the following:

How did the students respond to the lesson? (Were they interested and engaged? How did they respond to your instruction, activities, and to the materials?)

How did you accommodate the needs of children with diverse needs through differentiation?

Did the students need to use critical thinking during any of the activities?

Did any of the activities require the students to collaborate with each other?

Were the students able to complete the tasks and/or the assessment as planned or did you have to make changes?

How did you incorporate literacy?

Did you need to address any preconceived, incorrect idea(s) that the students had?

Were you able to keep all students engaged throughout the lesson? If not, what strategies did you try and which were effective?

Did every student have an opportunity to demonstrate what they learned?

Did you integrate technology effectively?

How did you address any behavior and/or attention issues?

Based on the outcomes of the lesson that you taught, identify three aspects that you would change or modify. Explain the reasons and need for each change.

What did you learn from creating a unit plan and implementing one of its lessons?

Lesson 1

Title: Letter formation

Setting: classroom

Time length: 1 hour

Learning objective:

By the end of this lesson, the student will be able to copy and trace letters on the worksheet. They should try to write the alphabet letters together with singing/sounding them to help them remember the sequence. Each letter has different forms, and some are easily confused with others; this unit will help them learn how to write and trace the letters. They will also learn to differentiate upper and lower case.

Prior skills/ knowledge needed.

The prior skills needed are holding a pencil the right way and drawing images on the worksheet or book; this is mostly motor skills.

Assessment activity/ method

Having the students trace the alphabetical letters and lines in the workbook to strengthen the finer motor skills needed for writing. Practice writing uppercase, connect dots of the alphabet to get a hidden figure or object; they The student should also communicate with the teacher if they need something or need help getting somewhere. The other skills necessary are listening skills; a student should be able to hear what the teacher is saying to them.

New concepts/ skills to be learned.

The preschoolers will learn to sing the alphabet, hold a pencil the right way, identify alphabetical letters on a chart, learn textbooks, mouthing/sound the alphabetical letters, and trace the letters straight.


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Choose one of the lesson plans from your Unit Plan and implement it with a small group of students


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