identifying an industry (or field) issue, problem, or opportunity, through thorough research, and then making recommendations for course of

identifying an industry (or field) issue, problem, or opportunity, through thorough research, and then making recommendations for course of

identifying an industry (or field) issue, problem, or opportunity, through thorough research, and then making recommendations for course of action towards a possible solution of that problem or issue. You should use APA documentation standards with parenthetical references and a bibliography page. This report should have separate sections and headings. Aim for 8 – 10 pages of discussion and use a minimum of 8 different sources for your citations. Do not use overly long citations. The majority of the paper should be in your own words. Use a variety of sources including periodicals, electronic and interviews. Be aware while Wikipedia may lead you to legitimate sources, it is not a credible source on its own. As stated above, your paper should feature a client with a problem that relates to either your major/educational background or to your Service Learning agency. You must use visuals (charts and/or graphs) to illustrate your in-depth analysis. Think about anyone in your personal network that may have a business problem that requires such an in-depth analysis that will meet the requirements of the paper. You should be a thorough literature review for relevant information to your topic. Some example of past papers: 1) Provided strategic marketing analysis and recommendations for company where student did internship; 2) Provided analysis and technical and business recommendations for father’s company to increase efficiency and profitability; 3) Church wanted to develop youth program. Student developed a plan (recommendations) that analyzed key factors including cost, resources, etc.; 4) Analyzed charter school options for family living in Baltimore; 5) Cost analysis and recommendations for a video game pricing strategies Part 2: Research Report Proposal Format: Memo Length: 2 – 4 pages, Writing Proposals will help you organize your research project. This should include what’s manageable for the time frame that you have to work with, determining your report’s purpose, outlining what problem you want to investigate, determining materials you may need and defining who your target audience would be. You should follow the model found in your textbook. Part 3: Annotated Bibliography no less than 10 sources related to your research topic. This will function as the foundation for your report’s bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a list of citations to books, articles and documents in which a short paragraph follows each citation describing and evaluating the source. Part 4: Outline – Brief or Sketch – does not need to be detailed. Submit a basic outline of your Research Report indicating its structure, research, etc. Part 5: Final of Research Report Final of Research Report with complete bibliography.

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