Identify the negative aspects of the original message. Determine a positive theme.3)Rewrite the message in persuasive style.

Identify the negative aspects of the original message. Determine a positive theme.3)Rewrite the message in persuasive style.


You are interning for the Community Improvement Services Division at the city hall of Weedy City. Todd Chang, a zoning and compliance officer, has asked you to improve the following message. (A real city employee sent that message, but the names of the employee and city have been changed.)


As the Zoning and Compliance officer for Weedy City, I have noticed an unsightly amount of weeds on your property. According to Weedy City weed ordinance, weeds are a nuisance when they create a fire hazard, are dangerous to human health, and are a breeding place or habitation for insects, rodents, or other forms of life harmful to humans or are unsightly or damaging to their surroundings. If the weeds are above 20 inches tall, it is required that they be cut and removed from the premises within 24 hours of the cutting (Weedy City Code 4-2-2).

To ensure Weedy City continues to be a pleasant and desirable place to live, please correct this problem within 10 days. In the event you disagree or do not wish to comply, you must request in writing a hearing before the city council. If the problem is not corrected within 10 days or you do not file for an appeal, a citation will be issued. The fine for this infraction is $500. Thank you for your cooperation.

Todd Chang


Rewrite the message and address it to Peter Jones, 357 Lomo Alto St., Weedy City, TX 71509.

1)Identify the negative aspects of the original message.
2)Determine a positive theme.
3)Rewrite the message in persuasive style. 4)Use positive language and the principles of business writing to craft a letter that is professional, clear, concise, and persuasive. Add any necessary, logical information.

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