Identify the four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs when writing business messages. Explain how establishing your credibility

Identify the four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs when writing business messages. Explain how establishing your credibility

5.1 Identify the four aspects of being sensitive to audience needs when writing business messages.

5.2 Explain how establishing your credibility and projecting your company’s image are vital aspects of building strong relationships with your audience.

5.3 Explain how to achieve a tone that is conversational but businesslike, explain the value of using plain language, and define active and passive voice.

5.4 Describe how to select words that are both correct and effective.

5.5 Define the four types of sentences, and explain how
sentence style affects emphasis within a message.

5.6 Define the three key elements of a paragraph, and list
five ways to develop unified, coherent paragraphs.

5.7 List five techniques for writing effective messages for
mobile readers.

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