Reflect on the vision and goals of your organization

Reflect on the vision and goals of your organization

Early Childhood, Sport Management, Communication/Business, Special Education/Curriculum & Instruction-Induction of New Staff-Reflect on the vision and goals of your organization and discuss how professional development can be conducted that would align to the vision and goals.

Webb, L. D., & Norton, M. S. (2013). Human resources administration: Personnel  issues and needs in education (6thed.).  Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.
This assignment is for all students and has been differentiated to meet the various groups. Please see the syllabus for a more thorough description.  All work should be 12 pt. font, double-spaced, Times New Roman font, one to two pages.All students except School Leadership students who are completing the modules from the FLDOE website should include one quote in their work from our textbook. 

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Reflect on the vision and goals of your organizationAPA

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