Read the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article on Interview

Read the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article on Interview

Recruiting & Selecting Employees

Complete Task #4 prior to completing Lesson #4.
1. Read the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article on Interview Questions.
2. Using the job description you selected in Task #4, create a single word document of 10 well-written, behavioral-based interview questions you would ask candidates who are applying to this job.
3. Underneath each question, in one sentence write your purpose/intent for asking the question (What do you hope to gain from asking this question? Are you targeting a specific competency? job requirement? behavior?)
– Be sure to review your job’s minimum and/or desired qualifications to write interview questions that allow you to assess the candidate’s knowledge, skills and abilities.
– Be sure to write behavioral based questions that give the candidate an opportunity to tell about a past accomplishment or experience.
– Do not write questions such as: “Describe yourself in 3 words.”

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Read the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) article on Interview

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